Website Migrations

Website migrations are a pivotal moment for businesses, carrying both opportunities for growth and risks of lost visibility. Technical SEO plays a crucial role in this transition. Without meticulous attention to technical SEO during migrations, websites can face significant drops in organic traffic, disrupted user experience, and potential losses in revenue. Properly executed, it ensures that search engines understand the changes, preserving (or even enhancing) search rankings, and that users encounter a seamless transition, maintaining trust and engagement.

AIMF website migrations image

Our Migration Service Strategy streamlines website transitions,
ensuring optimal SEO integrity and user experience:


Our SEO team collaborates to anticipate challenges based on the planned sitemap and gathers essential migration details.


Initiated when the development site is near completion, we evaluate its alignment with SEO best practices, integrate improvements, and develop a comprehensive redirect strategy.


We conduct a thorough review of the migrated site, ensuring all SEO elements are in place, optimizing user experience, and providing recommendations for ongoing improvements.

Each phase is meticulously executed, with clear communication and collaboration at its core.

SEO Migration Pricing Table - FEATURES

Feature / Aspect Basic Packages Premium Package Elite Package
Tech Stack Analysis
Site Speed & Performance Metrics
Mobile Responsiveness Check
Backlink Profile Analysis
On-Page SEO Elements (Title, Meta, H1)
Schema Markup & Structured Data
Content Quality & Keyword Usage
Internal Linking Structure
UX/UI Analysis
Security & SSL Certificate Checks
Domain Authority & Trust Score
Social Signals & Integration
Custom Recommendations & Strategy

Packages starting at $3k Per Month


increase in organic search traffic

Client Growth Post Migration


Data Integrity during migration