User-generated content (UGC) refers to any type of content that is created and shared by unpaid contributors or users of a platform. This includes blog posts, videos, photos, reviews, social media posts, and more. UGC stands in contrast to content created by the brand or company itself.

The use of UGC in marketing campaigns has exploded in popularity in recent years. Approximately 95% of consumers trust it over branded content, making it an extremely powerful marketing tool. Marketers are increasingly leveraging UGC as social proof in their campaigns as a way to boost engagement and authenticity.

There are many benefits of incorporating UGC into digital marketing campaigns. UGC helps build trust and credibility by highlighting real people and experiences. It provides social proof that a product or service delivers on its promises. UGC has a more authentic feel compared to branded content, and it resonates more with target audiences. Additionally, UGC content frequently outperforms branded content in terms of reach and engagement. For marketers, it provides a cost-effective way to develop creative assets and content.

Types of UGC

User-generated content (UGC) refers to any content that is created and shared by unpaid contributors. There are many forms UGC can take:

  • Social posts – Content posted by users on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc. This includes written posts, photos, videos, lives streams, and more.
  • Reviews – Product, service, or business reviews written by customers and shared on sites like Yelp, Amazon, TripAdvisor, etc. Reviews provide authentic feedback.
  • Comments – Comments left by users on blogs, news articles, YouTube videos, and other sites represent a form of UGC when they add value.
  • Forums – Contributions made to forums, communities, discussion boards, and question-and-answer sites are valuable UGC.
  • Videos – User-created videos on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram Reels, and other platforms allow creativity.
  • Testimonials – Quotes and stories from customers explaining their positive experiences with a product or company.
  • Photos – User-generated photos shared on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and similar visually-focused platforms. Photos show real experiences with brands.

Leveraging these types of authentic user content in marketing can help build trust, improve engagement, and ultimately boost conversions.

Benefits of UGC

User-generated content (UGC) offers numerous benefits that make it an extremely valuable marketing tool for brands. Some of the key benefits of incorporating UGC into digital marketing campaigns include:


UGC comes directly from a brand’s own customers and users, rather than the brand itself. This makes it feel far more authentic, transparent, and genuine to audiences. In an era where consumers are increasingly skeptical of brands’ own marketing claims, UGC offers authenticity that branded content struggles to achieve.


Content directly from customers builds immense trust with audiences. 84% of people trust reviews from strangers as much as recommendations from people they know. UGC builds credibility for brands by demonstrating real people who support and enjoy using their products or services.


UGC is highly engaging content. Consumers are much more likely to engage with content from other users than branded material. UGC also often takes the form of visual content like photos and videos, which tend to drive more engagement across social media. This increased engagement leads to greater brand awareness and exposure.


Leveraging UGC is an extremely cost-effective marketing strategy compared to creating branded content. It requires little effort from the brand besides curation and amplification of their best UGC. The content is created organically by users, saving resources.

SEO Value

UGC offers SEO value by helping drive links back to a brand’s owned content and channels. It also populates sites with keyword-rich content that appeals to search engines. The authenticity of UGC gives it an SEO boost over branded content.

Social Proof

Positive UGC acts as social proof that a brand’s products or services deliver satisfaction. It demonstrates real customer experiences and serves as a referral to convince new prospects to convert. UGC is a powerful form of social proof and word-of-mouth marketing.

Strategies to Incorporate UGC

User-generated content (UGC) can be a powerful tool for brands looking to boost engagement and authenticity. However, incorporating UGC takes thoughtful planning and execution. Here are some of the top strategies brands can leverage:


Crowdsourcing UGC involves actively soliciting content contributions from your audience. This could include asking followers to submit photos, videos, testimonials, reviews, or other content.

For example, you can prompt your audience to post visual content featuring your product and share their experiences. Run contests for the best submissions and re-share the content on your branded channels.


Contests are a popular tactic to generate UGC. The prize or reward serves as an incentive for participation. Contests can range from something simple like asking people to submit photos on social media to more involved competitions like developing a new product name or slogan.

Set clear contest rules, guidelines, and deadlines to maximize entries. Leverage hashtags and keywords to aggregate submissions and facilitate discovery.

User Reviews

User reviews offer authentic opinions from real customers about their first-hand experiences with your product or service.

Actively encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Yelp, Google, and Facebook. Make it easy by sending follow-up emails with direct links to leave reviews.

Feature and share positive reviews on your website and social channels. User reviews boost SEO and provide social proof.

Visual Content

Visual UGC like photos and videos tend to perform exceptionally well on social media. Encourage users to post visually engaging content related to your brand by sharing their experiences.

Hashtag campaigns can help unify and spread user-generated visual assets. You can also leverage user-generated content for things like social media ads, website testimonials, etc.

Influencer Collaborations

Partnering with influencers provides a way to tap into their creative content and loyal following. Seek out influencers who genuinely like your brand and can create authentic content.

You can send free products in exchange for sponsored posts, stories, and captions featuring your products or services. Take care to work with influencers that align with your brand identity and values.

Leveraging these strategies thoughtfully and consistently can pay dividends for your UGC initiatives. Always keep it authentic and interactive when incorporating user-generated content.

Best Practices

When incorporating user-generated content (UGC) into marketing campaigns, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure a positive experience for both your brand and your audience. Here are some tips:

  • Set clear guidelines. Be transparent about what types of UGC you will and won’t accept. Outline expected quality standards, usage rights, moderation policies, etc.
  • Curate relevant content. Don’t just take all submissions. Carefully curate UGC that aligns with your brand and campaign goals. Feature content that provides value for your audience.
  • Credit original creators. Always credit the user who originally created the content. Ask permission to use their name and/or social media handle.
  • Obtain rights and consent. Get legal consent to use submissions for promotional purposes. Have users agree to a terms of use.
  • Feature diverse sources. Pull content from a variety of sources. Don’t rely too heavily on just a few users. Showcase different perspectives and experiences.

Following best practices helps ensure your UGC campaigns are effective, engaged with positively by your audience, and legally sound. It enables co-creation with customers while still maintaining brand standards.

Measuring Success of UGC

User-generated content (UGC) can provide many benefits for digital marketing campaigns, but it’s important to implement tracking to quantify the impact. There are several key metrics to monitor:


  • Social shares, likes, comments
  • UGC contest entries and votes
  • Brand mentions and tags
  • Growth of user-generated content

Engagement shows that the UGC strategy resonates with your audience. Increased shares and interactions with UGC demonstrate that it provokes interest and conversation.

SEO Rankings

  • Keyword rankings for important target phrases
  • Search engine traffic from organic and local searches

UGC helps search engines better understand your brand. Unique, high-quality content improves SEO rankings. Monitor rankings for target keywords.


  • Traffic from UGC to product pages
  • Conversions influenced by UGC
  • Sales assisted or directly attributed to UGC

Strong UGC helps drive conversions. Use UTMs to track sales assisted by user content. Seek direct feedback from customers on purchasing decisions influenced.

Brand Awareness

  • Brand search volume
  • Unaided brand awareness surveys

Curating and featuring user photos/videos helps strengthen brand visibility and recognition. Measure lift in brand searches and awareness.

Traffic Sources

  • Direct traffic
  • Referrals from UGC sites
  • Social traffic from UGC shares

UGC gives new discovery paths that earn traffic. See which UGC sources drive the most referral visits to understand the highest value platforms.

Consistently analyzing these metrics provides insight into the ROI of UGC campaigns. Optimize efforts based on performance data to maximize the return. UGC can deliver value across key marketing goals when tracked effectively.

Risks & Challenges

User-generated content offers many benefits, but it also comes with risks that brands should be aware of.

Lack of Control Over Messaging

One of the biggest risks of UGC is the lack of control over the messaging. Unlike content created internally, brands don’t have full control over user-generated content. There is always a possibility that UGC may contain negative, inaccurate or off-brand messaging that brands may not want to be associated with.

Negative Content

UGC has the potential to drive awareness but it can also invite negative responses from unsatisfied customers. If users post content complaining about a brand, it can damage the brand’s reputation. Proactively moderating and filtering negative content is key.

Resource Intensive to Manage

Curating and managing UGC requires dedicated resources. Brands need to constantly monitor submissions, moderate content, obtain rights/permissions, credit creators, and analyze performance. It demands significant time and effort compared to creating owned content.

Licensing Issues

Using UGC also raises licensing and rights issues. Brands need permission from creators before re-sharing or promoting user-generated content. Failing to do so can open brands up to copyright infringement claims. It’s important to have licensing agreements and permissions in place.

Maintaining Authenticity

One of the keys to leveraging user-generated content successfully is maintaining authenticity. Brands should take steps to ensure the UGC they utilize is genuine and not fabricated or artificially inflated. Some best practices include:

  • Transparent communication– Being open with your customers about how you plan to use any content they create. Clearly explain in your UGC campaigns how their content may be utilized across your channels.
  • Usage guidelines– Establish clear usage guidelines for both your brand and content creators on the types of UGC that is acceptable and how it will be attribution. This helps set expectations.
  • Select genuine content– Carefully vet UGC submissions to choose real, authentic content that aligns with your brand identity and values. Avoid artificial or disingenuous content.
  • Credit creators– Always give proper credit and attribution to the original creator of any UGC you use. Link back to their social profiles when possible and make sure their efforts are recognized. This encourages further participation.

Maintaining transparency and authenticity ensures your UGC efforts feel genuine and build further trust with your customers. It’s critical that both your brand and content creators align on expectations for how UGC will be utilized in campaigns. With the right strategies, UGC can powerfully boost engagement and connections.

Case Studies

User-generated content has been successfully leveraged by major brands across various industries. Here are some examples:


  • Nike encourages users to share their athletic achievements on social media with branded hashtags like #JustDoIt. This promotes their products while capturing authentic user experiences.
  • During the 2010 World Cup, Nike created an online hub for fans to create videos, photos, art, and stories celebrating their team. This generated fresh content Nike redistributed.


  • GoPro heavily leverages their customers’ arresting point-of-view videos and photos shot on GoPro cameras. They reuse this content in marketing materials.
  • GoPro hosts video contests and spotlights customer videos on their website and YouTube channel. This provides social proof and free marketing.


  • Starbucks encourages patrons to take photos of their drinks and food items and share them tagged with #Starbucks. This generates appetizing user photos they can repost.
  • During the holidays, Starbucks customers create festive red cup photos to share on social media. This sparks a branded viral trend each year.


  • Airbnb features property photos taken by hosts to showcase authentic Homes, not staged advertisements. This attracts potential guests.
  • Airbnb encourages guests to post reviews and photos from their stays. This provides social validation for other users.


User-generated content can be a powerful asset for digital marketing campaigns when used effectively. By spotlighting real customers and fans, UGC brings authenticity and engagement to branded content in a way that resonates more than promotional material alone.

The key takeaways for marketers are:

  • Leverage user photos, videos, reviews, social posts, and more to incorporate UGC into your marketing. This helps humanize your brand.
  • Make it easy for customers to submit content and obtain their consent to reuse it in marketing. Provide incentives if possible.
  • Curate and display UGC on your website, social channels, ads, emails, and other marketing touchpoints.
  • Feature diverse, relevant, and high-quality UGC that aligns with your brand image.
  • Credit and tag users when reposting their content to foster goodwill and encourage further participation.
  • Analyze UGC engagement and sentiment to identify brand advocates and insights for improvement.

The time is now to start tapping into your own user-generated content. Encourage social sharing, run UGC contests, repost customer content, and find other ways to leverage these authentic assets. By welcoming users to participate in branded storytelling, you gain content straight from the source your market cares about most – real customers.